Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

A crazy story in Math

Once upon a time, there was a number that always had a tendency to give impact to other numbers. One could say about how brittle this number was. One time, there was an argument among them. Number 9 couldn't accept the existence of this number. Then a court was held.

In the court, one of the jury, Logarithm; pursued Calculus and Pythagoras, as this number was very important for him. Number 9's lawyer was Arithmetic and the lawyer of the guilty number was Matrix. After that, many evidences were shown to the judge. A chaos in Integral and a fighting between Multiplication and Division are the two most important facts. This number felt dangerous about his existence. He was afraid to be gone forever. Number 3 felt about this number's feeling. He asked number 1, 2, 5, and 7 to stand before the judge as witnesses to clarify that this number couldn't be destroyed.

Suddenly, one of the elders in mathematics came in. He was Algebra. He shouted, "Why am I not being invited to this court?" Everyone was silent. Then number 9 stood up and said, "I stole your invitation, because you are the only reason of this number’s existence".
"What are you talking about?"
"This number here has to be vanished forever", replied number 9.
"Why? Give me your argumentation", continued Algebra.
"In the chaos of Integral, I can't set an absolute value when this number is with me. I was not counted as the result and always got rid off. Moreover; in the fighting between Multiplication and Division, I also was the one who had to be with this number to be sacrificed in order to get another number as the result", explained number 9.

Then Algebra became silent and all the audience wandered.
This number looked very sad.
Surprisingly, Matrix stood up to defend his client.
"Okay, let's have an Integral process, Multiplication, and Division without this number".
"Okay", number 9 confirmed it.
Integral made the process and found an interesting influence if this number was put aside but with number 9 included.
Number 9 became confused.
Then, Multiplication and Division also made their process and found the same influence as well.
Number 9 became shocked.
"You see number 9; this number is your best friend. How could you wanted to destroy him?" said Matrix.
The guilty number was relieved.
Number 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 were also happy.

Then the judge spoke,
"We all here have gathered because of number 9's ego or maybe just miss understanding. I, Geometry, am very pleased to know that you numbers, 0 to 9, are still in good place to work with each other. Although sometimes one of you gives impact to others, actually this because you all are so perfect".

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